Updated Deadlines


Good news for all you hatch-a-preneurs! We have created the ability for you to receive feedback from our mentors on your initial application and then allow you to revise your application for the chance to rank higher. With this, we have new deadlines for submissions:

Dec 30: Receive early feedback by Jan 10. More time to revise. Possibility for 2 revisions.

Jan 10: Receive feedback by Jan 16. Only 4 days to revise.

Jan 20: Final application deadline.

If you finalized your application by December 30, you will begin to receive feedback before January 10. Everyone else who finalizes their application by January 10 will receive feedback by January 16. Everyone will have until January 20 to submit final applications. No submissions or revisions are allowed after January 20.

If you are crackin’ awesome or you are endorsed by an accelerator or an investor, we will consider your application up to January 20 even if you missed the January 10 deadline. However, these late applications will not receive feedback.


NewsHATCH Peeps